Sunday, June 22, 2014

What To Do When Feeling Overwhelmed

Let me begin by showing some Definitions of  OVERWHELM or OVERWHELMING, etc…!    “to overpower the thoughts, emotions, or senses of; to overcome with irresistible force;  to cover over or bury completely;  to weigh or rest upon overpoweringly. #couragetocontinue

OK…   so that’s the written definition.  The question is HOW DO YOU  DEFINE OVERWHELMING? 
If a poll were to be taken, the expressed answer to the above question would not resemble the written definition, as OVERWHELMING / OVERWHELMED is subjective.  In other words, each person would have a different explanation. #mlspnow
What then should be ONE’S RESPONSE to feelings of being OVERWHELMED?   First of all, we are faced many challenges in life.   Therefore, before going any further with this subject,  I just want you to know…its OKAY…   And it’s natural.    Take a breath…relax… and let’s  just take this one step at a time. #getonthecall

You know, feeling overwhelmed and confused is one of the MAJOR obstacles that MOST  persons face at some point in the process of daily living.  It is to be expected.  That is not to say that we should not take steps to avoid becoming overwhelmed.  #100percentcommission ...
If you are in the process of building a business be it online or offline, it is important to realize that you are learning and  attempting to master brand new skills.  You are growing and developing yourself as a marketer, and a human being.  If you are an experienced marketer, you should evaluate your daily activities and find ways to diminish the constant presence of overwhelming emotions.  #byallmeansnecessary ...
Regardless of the pain, and frustration, BE ALWAYS AWARE that this is a process… and you must be willing to go through the discomfort and face the challenges of  learning with perseverance and determination.  #marvaVcookeonline.

STAY FOCUSED for you are SO CLOSE.    The only way you can fail is if you give up, and that just isn’t you, is it?!   Honestly, everything you need to start having success within you… It’s called MINDSET.

There are many ways to develop a strong MINDSET.   The sources are plenty and in these days of internet access, one need only to google for help on how to develop a strong mindset.  There are many who will laugh at the concept of developing a strong MINDSET, stating that the answer is to be successful and all stressful emotions will seem as nothing.  I could not disagree more… When you are under the supervision of another, that concept may have some place because there is always someone motivating and pushing you to get the important things done.  #proudgrandparent ....
When you are your own BOSS and you have no one but YOURSELF to keep you motivated and FOCUSED… failure to achieve any level of success coupled with the stressful factors that can and do appear daily will soon evolve into feelings of being OVERWHELMED.  If you are in need of support or a COACHand are unable to find one due to financial limitations… you can find many sources of support in WEBINARS that offer motivational thoughts and encouragement… try also to tune in to WAKE-UP CALLS that also offer motivational thoughts  #couragetocontinue  ….
Look for my letter which will offer more detail on the subject of “MINDSET AND WHAT IT MEANS IF YOU ARE TO SUCCEED OR FAIL”.
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(786) 704-9112

PS:  If you want to take your business into the future come to my weekly training  (Wednesday) and hear what these 7-figure marketers have to say about how they succeeded  ...

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