Today's topic is about marketing. Are you new to network marketing; How Long have you been engaged with Networking? ..... If you have not just been doing SOCIAL NETWORKING... What is the principal change you have noticed with Marketing Online?
--Patience ; --Making (genuine) Contact; (disclaimer... if you do not like people... get out of this business... ).
Have you heard that the Network Marketing industry is one of Relationships? Long gone is the notion that you can be involved online as if in a speed dating exercise and be successful.. Let's talk a little about --Relationships: This exercise demands
(1) patience (Someone asks the same question repeatedly; or voices doubts about the topic at hand repeatedly; you do not show irritation ... you do not avoid facing this challenge... why because even on the internet, impatience can be detected... you need this person to seek you out again...)
(2) Demands consistency (It may be boring to you.. But a good brand to have in your business is consistency... your word is your bond.. If you promised, you fulfill that promise; if it becomes painful to stay consistent... then you are in the wrong business.. People like to do business with someone they trust and believe in... );
(3) demands Truthfulness... (There isn't much I should have to say about this subject... We all know the importance of credibility.. We ask it of those we deal with.. Let us not wait for people to question us before we begin to show truthfulness...)
one effective way to show truthfulness is to "DOCUMENT" OUR ACTS, DOCUMENT OUR OFFERS TO THOSE WE TOUCH.... As a Registered Nurse, documentation was constantly in the forefront of my brain... it was my safety net.. ;
(4) demands repeated acts. e.g. (you made a promise to get back to the someone with an answer, a source of information; A previous contact PM's you... you do not ignore the PM)
You need to assure your contacts that you are approaching them from a genuine place... that you really enjoy the contact created... this contact may be a long or it may be a short interaction.. but do not give the impression that you are in a hurry to end the contact ... you do need this person to want to speak with you again.
As a Network Marketer you should acknowledge one KEY FACTOR.. That people want to work with people... & do business with people they like and trust... (marketing yourself not your product. Recruiting with a goal in mind -- FINDING the perfect prospect? Perfect prospects - Found in Groups/Fan pages. Status pages that resonates with you . . . Characteristics sought in these prospects are Positive; Smart; Active; Non argumentative) and Finally, Subscribe to their feed: Get a course on Phone skills and recruiting if you feel you are afraid to speak to your contacts.
The Question arises ... "What does this mean for me?"
It means your job is to sell YOU. You've got to BRAND yourself... not the product you are offering.
Next Question is "HOW DO I DO THAT" I have just the answer for you.
You can learn all that you must from My Lead System Pro. Affiliate based company that trains and provides you with the necessary skills to be successful online.
To your MLM Success
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