Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tips On Content Marketing

Article writing has been considered to be one of the easiest marketing methods to keep up with and build your authority over time.  It is another way to generate leads into your business.
Why, you may ask… One reason may be that Content Marketing lets you share your point of view, your personality, and your expertise which are a surefire ways to establish yourself as the go to person in your field.  The fact that Content Marketing is a simpler marketing method among many doesn't mean that there are limitations in this method and minimizes the importance of reading the post.
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Here are some suggestions for you to consider when writing an effective blog post… applying these methods will add good value to your content..
  1. A title that contains keywords.  Starting your presentation in this manner will help in attracting large traffic as well as appeal to your target reader.
  2. Attention grabbing topics. The best topics speak directly to your target market's needs. You want your topics to be relevant to the challenges they are facing and the results they desire.
  3. Should you have a problem with what to write about … Just listen to questions your prospects and clients ask you on a day to day basis.
  4.  Consider also the experiences of your clients and the common pitfalls they fall into, or breakthroughs they have and write about those.
  5. Picking the right topic conveys to your target market that you're speaking directly to them and immediately see you as an expert.
  6. Searchable Keywords. Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of those marketing topics that many “marketers” shy away from… actually, speaking personally, I was down-right ‘afraid of”, because SEO is not only technical, but complex. I have since found out, that just adding keyword rich titles and descriptions to your articles will go a long way to helping your content be found in search engines.
Consumable Structure. It is important to keep in mind, that as you write an article you want it to be easy to follow and easy to implement. It is no surprise that List posts and how to's are usually the easiest to write and also easier for your audience to read as well.   Because, when an article has great content that is easy to follow, use and implement will also make it more shareable and thus reach a very large audience.
Posting To The Right Places. Just putting your article on your blog is only part of getting your content out to your readers. You MUST also post it to relevant groups on social media and article databases. Remember that finding the right places will go a long way to getting your content found.   Some suggested places are:
  • Facebook 
  • Linked In groups
  • Article databases that have a community around them e.g. Biznik
  • Delicious.com
  • Pinterest.com
When writing, always keep in mind how your blog and article writing can fit into your overall marketing strategy. Your content must attract the traffic you're bringing into your site that will be the most likely to be interested in the program you're offering at the time. By doing this you will also be adding to your credibility on the topic by sharing free content in your articles.
I have shown you several points that in my opinion and experience have found quite helpful.  I hope you will find these ideas useful to you as you proceed ahead to build your business.
Let me know if you have any questions about "Content Marketing" or need any help in INCREASING YOUR LEAD FLOW.  
Your Home Business and Online Marketing Professional
To Your MLM Success,

(786) 704-9112
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